made for walking.

i see a lot of really cool stuff when i thrift. i can’t buy it all. which sucks. eventually i want to get to a point where i can sell all of the groovy, wonderful things i find through an online store such as ebay or even through this blog, but, alas, the time is not right for that just yet. SO, yesterday i found an extraordinary pair of boots. zodiac. ankle boots. slouch-y. heel, but not so high that they could not be considered for “everyday” wear. $19.99. now THIS particular thrift store has 1/2 off sales, depending on the color of the price tag. Blue, pink, white, yellow tags all on sale—all 1/2 off—but only on certain weeks. the yellow tags were on sale yesterday and my rad zodiac boots were tagged pink…SO…i let them go. i walked away. did i mention they were actually my size? a 9? yes, yes they were. experienced thrifters know that really good, really awesome vintage boots are hard to find above a size 7.5. so you see, it was kind of a big deal for me to turn my back on them. but i am learning that i have to do this occasionally, uh, no, hmmm, er, uh, yeah…VERY often in my life. very often as of late. to keep my sanity. take thoughts for example. we all have random thoughts that pop into our head out of nowhere. negative ones, positive ones…but if you’re anything like me, it’s the negatron ones that ruin your day/hour/minute/second/life. they are hard to stop. one begets another and another and another until…my existence has been reduced to a complete and utter farce.  the simplest questions i thought i had figured out become the truths on which i base everything else. um…counterfuckingproductive, okay? not seeing the forest for the trees. it’s ridiculous. i am learning to ‘turn my back’ on these shitty thoughts. walk away renee. let them go. get into the flow of life. stop going against the current. oh. my. god. it is taking me so much practice, so much patience. i am no master yet. i feel ill-prepared some days to take on this constant challenge of letting go; life is a big ‘ol let go though, is it not? so when walking away from the zodiac boots, the 60’s haegar planter, the cute pearl snap shirt, a crappy thought—whatever the the ‘IT’ may be, i have to know that sometimes it’s just about the looking, the seeing, not necessarily about the owning. i don’t own those groovster boots. i let ‘em go. i’ve let a lot go lately. and i know that it’s all a part of what i am learning about the bigger picture that i am slowly creating. my own little masterpiece, me.

whew. bye bye boots.
© littlebrownbutterfly

7 Thoughts on “made for walking.

  1. you are so cool lisa simmons.

  2. Well said. Plus, you have enough pairs of boots. xo

  3. lisa choody simmons, you are already your own masterpiece.
    you just have to realize it.
    chisel away the stuff that isn’t really you or yours.

    and the best way to do that is…

  4. you shouldn’t have turned your back on those. i wear size 9 too, remember….

  5. i don’t really like those boots. fuck them. just another future closet cleaning.

  6. Shuttleshit on November 10, 2009 at 5:39 pm said:

    I have a machine in my head that I will henceforth refer to as the “Negatron.” It loves the past, lives on memories and bugs my shit day and night with questions like what if? and why didn’t you ….?

    The Negatron wants to talk about my stop & start Hollywood career and my bills and my age and my first marriage. But I feel it has less power over me now that I have a proper name for it. So thanks, Lisa. You are a furry bird.

  7. I admire your discipline in walking away. But those boots were pretty rad.

    You ARE a furry bird!!

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