all float on.

and there, in the kitchen, doing the dishes on a friday night – it became so clear, if only for a few seconds. all was revealed so suddenly, so lovingly and mightily that almost every single thing on this pale blue dot (and beyond) finally made sense.

no one knows anything – do you get this? really really really get this? i didn’t. i’ve spent most of my life thinking that other people knew some great, awesome, badass secret that i did not and probably never would. but he and she and them and they are all trying to figure it out, just like you, just like me. it’s really amazing if you stop to think about it: i don’t know what demons you deal with daily, and yet here i am, sometimes thinking i do (and, uh, getting it wrong most of the time-). i don’t know what makes your heart sing. i don’t know what devastates, moves, shifts, scares, flatters, scatters, what really fucking matters to you. and you don’t know what frightens me, tightens me, drags me down or drains me down.* all i know is that it‘s the judgment of our situation/current state of affairs that catches us and keeps us feeling weighty, ultimately serving no one, especially that better version of ourselves we wish to become. someone much wiser than i shared this nifty lil’ notion on the subject: a rock is heavy and conversely, a leaf is light. the leaf floats down the river with ease but the rock remains heavy, unmoving, until the water eventually erodes it away anyway. uncertainty is the rock, but it can also be the leaf if you let it. trust the flow of the river, of life. go with it. resistance is what causes pain.** magic lives in the space of non-judgement with no fear or real concern about where we currently are, for it is exactly where we need to be: standing in the kitchen, standing alone, floating along.

catch my drift?

*dylan reference (of course-).
**i could be totally wrong (of course-).


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