arts. crafts. gross.

paint by numbers fascinate me. i see them and they look so simple. so simple to do, so simply done. i picked one up today for $3, but i gave the guy $5, because it’s a catholic charity thrift store and because there was some lady in front of me taking too long and i had to GO. i am not a painter. not really an artist either. certain people have pointed this out to me. “YOU’RE not an artist”. it’s insulting, yes. but also true. i did not like art class. i colored outside the lines. did not like crafty “projects” as part of homework assignments. i don’t do them with my son, either. i know some moms relish in this. good for them. as for me, i am tired of pretending. i can’t draw, i can’t paint. i can’t sew. i can’t do one goddamn crafty thing. you’re right; i’m NOT an artist. when i lived in LA and was acting (but not really acting because the acting gigs came few and far between for me) it was the same story. “you’re and ACtor? well, what are you ACting in”? the presumptive tone meaning this: if you aren’t in any sitcom or doing commercials on a regular basis, then you are just a big fat loser asshole nobody and NOT an ACtor. my LA friends will understand and will know exACtly what i am talking about. ugh. i hated it so much. i never felt good enough. i would go into an audition with 30 other girls that looked just like me and be mortified. and say some bullshit lines that i had to make sound the right way. can you, try it, um, this way, lisa? no. no i can’t make it how you want it to sound.  and no, i cannot draw a fucking fruit portrait and then do a cross-stitched, knitted rendering of it and sew it into a skirt/make it into a pillow.
i’m a writer, thank you.

i finally accept this about myself. feels alright.

© littlebrownbutterfly

9 Thoughts on “arts. crafts. gross.

  1. FUCK YEA. colour outside the lines. day and night. forever.

  2. Shuttleshit on November 3, 2009 at 4:22 pm said:

    When I was in Fifth grade I was kicked out of my art class because the teacher said I had “no talent.” So when my schoolmates all when off to art class with Mrs. fuckin’ Herman, I had to sit in the library and write a report on Texas.
    True story.

  3. having an eye for what is good is maybe a better talent.

  4. Anonymous on November 3, 2009 at 4:32 pm said:

    Write On! But tell me how the painting came out. Is that it up at the top?

  5. I am not crafty at all, except with wrapping gifts….sometimes I crush the craft with that.

  6. LISA!!!!!! Arts and crafts is not an artist. Who the fuck wants to put macaroni shells on cardboard and stick it in a scrapbook. I have never understood this. It’s not art. It’s following instructions. YOUR ARE AN ARTIST. It’s an inside thing. STOP IT! You don’t need the outside world to validate you’re being an artist. I know you will enough to know you are. It’s a big prt of you. You allowed it to live… most people are born artists but society tells them it’s not importnat. I can’t wrap gifts or paint and I still do stick figures. But I know I’m an artist because if I’m not practicing some form of art (for me writing) I get sick/depressed. It’s an effin curse. I have always thought of you as a beautiful,gifted artist. PERIOD. That makes you brave. Too many people let it drop because they are so afraid it means nothing and I have come to learn it means everything. Thus, I have always encouraged any artistic anything in my kids. THEY love it. I refuse to let society beat it out of them. Nonetheless, the painting is quite good, and I couldnt do it because I simply have no patience. And I suck. But I have a proble, see, with writing. I can’t stop.I have no idea where it comes from and don’t really care. Nuf said. Love you

  7. you are crafty, just in other ways.

  8. choody just make up your own numbers and paint by THEM!

  9. You make me laugh.Really.

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