sarah and me (polyester bride).

my grandmother sarah had the best polyester nightgowns. a whole collection of them from the 60’s and 70’s. i spent each summer of my youth in ft lauderdale with her. every night would be the same: i would go into her top drawer and excitedly search each slippery, shiny nightgown for exactly the one i wanted to wear to bed. it would vary. sometimes, i’d go with a short little nightie with matching robe and sometimes a longer version, sans robe. it was our little bedtime routine, she and i. i’d try them on as she gathered her pink hair nets that she wore EVERY night to protect her hairdo…but that is another blog and i digress as i often do. these nightgowns were amazing…so grown up! too big for me, yes. but they belonged to my grandma sarah and i loved them. you see, my grandma sarah was everything to me. every thing. the sweetest person i have ever met on earth, she was. i always search for polyester nighties while thrifting. an ode to her, to me, to those days of my youth spent without care in ft lauderdale, florida. how easy it was. i have my own little collection of vintage nighties now, but none as special as the ones she had. i was lucky enough to be holding my grandmothers hand as she died, recounting to her softly and slowly little polyester memories like these as she moved on to a different place. i cannot tell you how much i miss her. no words. my heart aches every day for her. i am lucky lucky lucky to have known such a person in my life. sarah helen simmons: you are with me still, this i know.

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