Category Archives: Love

#AskErinAndLisa – a new advice column.


oh hi everyone. i’ve been busy selling my house, travelling to califorinia and looking for my soulmate so, my apologies for being el lame-o and not posting anything new recently. that shit’s gonna change though because my wanderings and soul searching have led to a lot of stuff i want to share. LUCKY YOU. anyway, one of my best gals, erin, better known as rarely wrong erin has asked me to help in her endeavor to advise some peeps re: love, sexxx, dating, etc. i’m, um, obviously no expert but i do have some decent musings on subjects such as these from time to time. this will be a regular series and we are delighted to answer your questions. you can anonymously ask anything by going to the top right hand portion of erin’s blog. you’re welcome. happy to oblige. here is the first installment:

As promised, I have called for backup, and by backup I mean another survivor of so many mistakes in all areas of life, my gal pal, you may know her as The Trouble With Lisa, but I just like to call her “hey bitch.” (**Also, fellas, she is recently single, so there’s that.)

And the now, the questions…..


Ok, I cannot take being set up one more time by my “friends,” who seem to think I am a fat, ugly, slutty, bore- based on these set-ups. I know about all of the various online/app dating sites- but I am leery to get my feet wet! Any recommends or advice or warnings?

Lisa: look, online dating freaks me out, too, so i totally understand. HOWEVER, it can be a good way to boost your confidence whilst getting back out there. my main advice here is not take it too seriously. a lot of guys will hit you up; some will be totally disgusting and vile. most you wont like, but there is a chance you might meet someone super fucking cool. this is what i would do. i was recently back in LA and got on tinder. try that first. then try ok cupid, then in that order. and also: stop any chatter with regard to yourself as fat, slutty or bore-based. thoughts become things, sister.

Erin: Ok, truth be told, I have never done online dating. It seems like a fucking nightmare. That being said, it seems like a good idea when you are bored and/or want to get laid. I have not had luck being set up by friends either. My one and only blind date (a friend set-up) was with a young, fairly successful, producer, who kept me trapped in the valley while he smoked crack and then apologized. But, that’s another story. Also, he drove a convertible Saab, which shouldn’t reflect poorly on other Saab drivers.

Lisa: i did meet a cute jewish guy on tinder…MY DREAM and i’ll be seeing him when i go back to LA in a month ;o) i’ll keep you posted. the thing i like about the online dating thing is that it shows you the ABUNDANCE that is everyfuckingwhere. men are everywhere.

Erin: You can always try Lulu to vet your online prospects, although a review built on hashtags can only do so much.


There’s a girl acquaintance I know. We used to chat on f/b and did the coffee thing. She was very nice, but I failed to get closer due to my own issues. We went out of touch, I deleted my account and lost contact with her. I’ve seen her from time to time in person. She’s seemed weird when I saw her. I was stressed out at the time and made the mistake of sending a creepy message or two. I think I stumbled into the awkward creeper guy status, and every time saw her, tried to send a message or approach her in person, I was just digging a hole.

I’d like to know her again. I was thinking about sending an actual email (to her business email as I never needed her personal one) to apologize and show a genuine interest in catching up or is that just too creepy?

Help me get out of creeper status!

Lisa: dear creeper: ugh. i’ve been on both sides of this one. the thing is- if she likes you, you’d know it. usually i find that if a dude likes me he will stop at nothing to see me, which i like – i like a man to pursue me. SO, that being said, let’s give this thing another whirl: reach out via email. DO NOT WRITE SOME LONG BULLSHIT. keep it simple. say hi. tell her you’d like to see her sometime if she’s up for it.

Erin: First off, Creeper Dude, don’t send anything to her WORK email. That’s extra creepy, because there’s a good chance that her work emails are read by other people at said workplace. Secondly, you lost me at “my own issues.” Sorry. For the sake of future non-creepy relations, clear up those issues now. Nothing is creepier than your issues.

Lisa: i disagree with erin here – i think the work email is fine. the bitch can always press delete if it bugs her. good luck – i am rooting for you.

Erin: Whatever.


My boyfriend can get really rough. Like when I’m giving him oral, he’ll grab my head and like push me down so I deep throat. And I understand that he might need to feel that, but he can just let me know, he doesn’t need to force me down. It gets to the point where I’m like literally trying to push him away from me. And during sex he can get kinda rough. Like when I need to stop or slow down, he just ignores it and keeps going. It’s fairly early into the relationship, it’s only been about 3 months, so I really don’t know how to bring it up without him feeling hurt or getting angry. Despite what I said, he is a genuine guy and I do really like him, I don’t want to hurt the relationship at all, I just need him to back off a little. Best ways to tell him that without being too mean?

Erin: Your teeth are your best defense here. But seriously, you are an adult, I assume, in an adult relationship… and like I say to the kids, if you can’t handle talking about this stuff, then maybe you shouldn’t be doing it at all. Take some responsibility for your sex life and your body. If you don’t like it rough, tell him. Because, “The more you know….”

Lisa: i’m so sorry for the rough sex problem you’re having. have him email me instead: – mucho appreciated.

Well, freaks, I hope this helps. I have indentured Lisa to continue wading through your questions with me. We will get to them all, so keep them coming. Use the email box on the top right, enter whatever made-up email address you like, along with your question, and we will answer your anonymous question with all the care and heart we can muster. xoxo



cabo2outta there, you’re outta there
drag the brush through your hair
post regrets for him to see
leave as you came, easily.

some you win
and some you lose
careful then with what you choose
words they cut
words they lie
you were just his last goodbye.

sadness falls
from outer space
the dream you kept
lies and lace.

the last, the last
yes, this will be
the mountains, the ocean
us – shipwrecked at sea.


the champagne period + cosmic connections.


he called it the “champagne period”. he said it with conviction and hope and he told me we were in it. sparkly, shiny, bright and bubbly: the beginning. i loved him immediately for phrasing the precipice of “us” as such and for equating he and i to something so happy. he left after four days to go back to california – leaving me in that champagne state to consider our serendipitous meeting, our falling towards each other and the deeper meaning of it all.

it’s funny: the people who change your life appear when you least expect it and this encounter with mr morningstar was exactly that: unexpected. i was with my best friend, the lovely and talented miss moya khabele – at, um, WALMART of all places. he and i literally ran into each other in the aisle between the frozen foods and cheap made in china clothing. WORD. it was an explosive, totally random meeting – like two stars hurling through space and coming together in a stellar collision. it was 100% unexpected, just like all those stupid bullshit stories-you-hear-all-the-time-but-never-really-believe-until-it-happens-to-you…and here it was, HAPPENING. to me. cosmic.

after a month or so of being in it, my findings on the subject are this: the champagne period is real. but here’s the catch: you have to be in your own constant state of vibrational goodness to attract and keep it. ok, so, yes, i was at walmart. yes, i had on no make-up and yes, i was wearing dirty, disgusting jeans, a tank top i slept in the two previous nights and birkenstocks**. but i was happy. i was happy bouncing around a stupid big box store at 10pm on a thursday night, being silly and being myself with my bestie. i felt complete, whole – and at some kind of peace. i was in my own champagne period – with myself. see? you gotta just be – and let it come to you.

**note: the cute kind of birkenstocks, like the ones heidi klum wears, ok?

for tom.


worth it.

what you had.
what you lost.
i do hope it was worth it.













close misses + mountaintops.

limy best girl gabi and i talk often about close misses – something closer to what you want, but still not. quite. right. akin to the scarier and more widely-known ‘near miss’, close misses happen all the time, in all areas of life. when applied to the topic of love relationships and DATING – which is the hell i have been living for exactly one year, three days and 27 hours now – my experience with the close miss has been both an exhaustive and extensive one. in short, dear readers, i am an expert on the subject, so yano, lucky you. the CM is most apparent with those souls we meet in our fragile journey to find love: someone you think is right/perfect/the one, but slips, falters, fades and disappears: a miss, albeit a close one. gabrielle and i talked through this idea for some time loftily, with care, examining the impact, scope and the sheer importance of the close miss. our findings:

  • -the close miss is actually a good thing. key lessons and takeaways can be extracted from each CM experience. realizing how close you’ve gotten makes it easy to grasp that perhaps the real thing is out there, does exist. is closer – just not present or in your limited field of view yet.            get it? got it? good.
  • -the CM is an indicator that you might still have some work to do, ESPECIALLY with regard to romantic relationships. look, we all get sad and fucked up when things don’t work out, but hey, in the area of love, the CM is your friend, i promise. you find the qualities and traits that are closer to what you want in a partner/friend/lover but that don’t add up and, ultimately, won’t serve you in the long run. for example: she’s cute, she’s sassy, but she sweats you down about the small shit? close, but a miss. OR: he’s a babe, dresses well, is successful, but still lives with his mom? um, close, but no cigar. MISS.

the hardest part about the close miss is that it’s a retrospective, hindsight 20/20 sort of thing. in other words, it really blows in the moment, but when we’ve moved far enough beyond it we see the lesson of why it was a miss in the first place. like an energetic truth mountain we must climb, every miss is a stepping stone that leads us closer to our summit, to the place we want to be. and who knows? perhaps one day we’ll reach the top and turn around to look upon the vast beauty of where we’ve been, seeing a valley of scattered close misses below…but the painted sky above – waiting patiently for us to climb in and begin again.

-for gabrielle t, my soul sis-star.





i told myself lies
so nothing would materialize-
half-truths became the way thought of me
– intentions – 

his, mine.

eventual heartbreak:
it follows
lagging, waiting, knowing, laughing.

nothing to do
but dive in 

and hope
that this time, maybe i got it all wrong.